CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script: Migrate Data with Ease


Are you tired of manually migrating data between two Cosmos DB accounts? Worry not! The CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script is a lifesaver. It is designed specifically to transfer data and procedures between accounts quickly and smoothly without any hassles. 💪

👍 Benefits

The CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script is a powerful tool that automates the data migration process, saving you time and effort commonly involved in manual migration. Here are some benefits of using the CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script:

  • Automates the process for a smoother experience and consistent data across both accounts.
  • Faster execution compared to manual migration.
  • Easy-to-use interface, no need to understand complicated coding or software.
  • The script can optimize partition memory usage.
  • Ensures data integrity during the migration process.
  • Auto scales containers for improved performance.
  • Enables you to set the throughput value for the collection.
  • If you want to back up a database, use deployment slots to migrate to the new environment.

📜 Code

Below is the complete code. For latest changes to the script checkout Github.

📋 Prerequisites

Before you start using the CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script, ensure that you have the following:

  • PowerShell version 5.1 or above. You can download it from the Microsoft official website.
  • Azure PowerShell Module.
  • DT.exe tool from Microsoft. You can download it from the Microsoft official website.
  • An active subscription to Azure.
  • Permissions to create new resources in Azure.

💻 Parameters and Switches

The CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script contains mandatory and optional parameters, including:

  • SourceRGName: The name of the resource group of the source account.
  • SourceDBAccountName: The Cosmos DB account name of the source account.
  • DestinationRGName: The name of the resource group of the destination account.
  • DestinationDBAccountName: The Cosmos DB account name of the destination account.
  • sleepTime: The time to sleep between container creations. The default value is 60 seconds.
  • migratedata: This switch is used to enable data migration.
  • provisioned: This switch enables the autoscale throughput provisioning.
  • CollectionThroughput: This sets the throughput value for the collection. The default value is 1000.

🚀 How to Use the CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script

To use the CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Install Azure PowerShell module if not installed. You can install the Azure PowerShell module from the Microsoft official website.
  2. Step 2: Install the DT.exe tool to perform the data migration. You can download DT.exe from the Microsoft official website.
  3. Step 3: Open PowerShell ISE or any other PowerShell editor.
  4. Step 4: Load the script and execute it by providing the required parameters.
.\CosmosDBMigration.ps1 -SourceRGName "sourceResourceGroupName" -SourceDBAccountName "sourceCosmosDbAccountName" -DestinationRGName "destinationResourceGroupName" -DestinationDBAccountName "destinationCosmosDbAccountName" -sleepTime 120 -migratedata -provisioned -CollectionThroughput 4000
  1. Step 5: If the -migratedata switch is specified, the script will start migrating data from the source to target account.
  2. Step 6: If the -provisioned switch is specified, the CollectionThroughput parameter is used to set the throughput value for the collection.

🛠 Best Practices

Here are some best practices to ensure a smooth migration process:

  • Test the script first in a test environment before running it in production.
  • Ensure that the source and target Cosmos DB accounts are running the same version of Cosmos DB API and features.
  • Ensure that the target account has enough capacity and throughput to handle the data being transferred.
  • Monitor the migration process to ensure it completes successfully without any issues.

💡 Conclusion

The CosmosDBMigration PowerShell Script is an essential tool that simplifies the process of migrating data between two Cosmos DB accounts. With a user-friendly interface, seamless data transfer, and hassle-free execution, this script makes moving data an easy and straightforward task. Ensure you follow the best practices and necessary prerequisites to ensure a successful migration. Try it today and experience a fast and easy data migration process like never before! 😃

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